Monday, November 23, 2009


Are you happy with how the 'Seinfeld' reunion turned out?
"I'm thrilled. But then I was happy with how the 'Seinfeld' finale turned out, so maybe you've got the wrong guy."

How much have you kept in touch with the 'Seinfeld' cast, and Michael Richards in particular, in recent years?
"I've kept in touch with all of them to varying degrees. Michael went through a very traumatic experience, really. He's been quite chastened by it. What he did on 'Curb' it didn't affect him at all since he was very funny on the show. But I know it's deeply affected him personally."

How many times in the past ten years have you been approached to do a 'Seinfeld' reunion?
"It's come up quite often. People asked me and I said no. That's probably why it was in my head. I never considered it and I never will consider it. ''Curb' Your Enthusiasm' is the only way it could have ever gotten done. We didn't really do a reunion. We did a faux reunion. We're doing episodes of 'Curb.'"

How has your treatment of Jewish humor changed since 'Seinfeld'?

"It's not something I think about. My thinking hasn't changed on the matter since I started doing 'Seinfeld'. If it's something that I can use comedically, I will if I think it's funny. The more people I can offend, the better. The only difference is that on 'Seinfeld' we did have a lot of people watching who did get offended by many of the things we did because it was a network show. But the people who are watching ''Curb' Your Enthusiasm' on HBO are paying, so they want to see this kind of thing."

How much of Larry David do we really see on the show?

"I've always said that my personality is a lot truer on the show than it is in life. So you're really seeing my personality. What you're getting now and what most people get daily is a dishonest human being."

Can you give us a preview of the Larry-Cheryl relationship this season?

"A lot of the season is about that. I don't want to get too specific, but obviously the only reason I'm doing the reunion show is to try to get her back."

Does that reflect some sort of thinking that went on in your real life where you were thinking, 'what if I did something extreme like the reunion show to get my own wife back'?
"You know, I don't think I'm going to answer that question."

Can we expect to see you coming back for another season next year?

"It's possible. I'll think about it in the next couple of months. There's a couple of ideas. I don't think any will be as good as the 'Seinfeld' idea though. It's going to be hard to top that. I'll have to admit."

You were playing golf on Martha's Vineyard at the same time as President Obama this summer. Did you get a chance to check out his game?

"I was actually on the golf course at the same time he was but we didn't cross paths. I haven't seen his golf game but I don't think much of my own. It's hard for me to disparage other swings."

Would you like to challenge President Obama to a game of golf?
"I think it would have been fun. Maybe next summer."

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